350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Relations of characteristics of low-frequency noise of light-emitting diodes with distribution of concentration of impurity and current density in heterostructures
V.A. Sergeev, I.V. Frolov, A.A. Shirokov, A.M. Nizametdinov's
Noise characteristics of serial light-emitting diodes (LED) of production Vi-shay with various heterostructure in the range of frequencies of 0,1 - 15 kHz and density of current 1 - 50 A/cm2 are submitted. At all studied samples in the specified range of frequencies and currents the range of noise current of SI (f) looks like Im/fγ, thus m exponent in current dependence at LED of all types accepts values from 1 to 2 and has some dispersion from a sample to a sample. It is shown that the indicator γ in frequency dependence of a range of noise decreases with growth of a gradient of concentration of impurity in the field of a heterojunction calculated on volt-farad characteristics of LED. On the basis of selective measurements it is established that distribution of red AlInGaP/GaAs LED with quantum holes on noise level becomes two-modal at the density of current of 2-5 A/cм2 that is explained by manifestation of a non-uniform current distribution in LED structure.
Pages: 493-498

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