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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Correlation mechanogram twitch rat skeletal muscles in normality and pathology of transition curves with ladder bandpass filter
A.S. Filimonov, R.S. Safiullin, G.A. Morozov, S.N. Grishin, O.G. Morozov
It is important to extend the theoretical understanding of the process of muscle contraction in such a way so that you can predict the parameters of the muscles in normal and pathological conditions. While moving along this path the most effective tool proved to be a model of muscle contraction.
Was compared to the curves describing the twitch of rat skeletal muscle is normal in indirect and direct stimulation of the pathology and with the normalized reaction ladder bandpass filter. The output signal mio-neural system was presented as the model passed a number of identical unidirectional links bandpass filter. The resulting curves of the transients, in general, repeat the experimental data with the corresponding normal and pathological conditions.
As a basis for correlation were taken native curves obtained by contraction of the muscle of rat - a long finger extensor (m. EDL), whose distal tendon end was connected with a load cell with ligature myo-logical setting.
Excuse the coincidence of functional structures of the neuromuscular junction (pre-synapse, synaptic cleft, the post-synapse) and the number of links in the chain PF (n = 3) in the case of the model curve to reduce reproduction by indirect stimulation normally looks naive. Rather, it seems likely that the direct stimulation and pathological conditions in a fall, of course, the synaptic factor that generally reduces the quality factor on the system.
Based on these data, we can conclude that the prospects for greater use of the equivalent representation of the functional activity of skeletal muscle.
Pages: 323-326
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