350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Methods of regulating the equilibrium of franchise system with a decentralized management structure. Analysis of models for the study of the market segment covered by franchising
A.B. Manvelidze
A case study of market equilibrium of the franchise system (FS) is closely related to the availability of prices, providing a balance of supply and demand. The current state of the problem is characterized by the fact that together with the classical models of market equilibrium «non-classical» models with the number of optimality criteria are developed and studied. The special feature of the studies in this line is consideration of the competitive equilibrium situation, that is, a situation involving different elements of the FS with decentralized control, having conflicting interests, and the decision comes down to a conflict game model.
Pages: 274-279
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