350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Explosive light source based on effects of hydrodynamic instabilities for equipping the ballistic ranges
A. V. Speransky - Engineer, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Sarov. E-mail: Sarov_alexey@mail.ru
S. I. Gerasimov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Department Head, Russian Federal Nuclear Center; Department Head, Sarov Physics and Technology Institute of the National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Sarov. Е-mail: s.i.gerasimov@mail.ru
V. I. Erofeyev - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Vice-director of Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod. E-mail: erf04@sinn.ru
Developing the power pulsed light source of high luminous intensity (that is function of brightness temperature and illumination square) at simultaneously short light duration is a complex non-linear problem. Increasing the brightness temperature (and, simultaneously, the radiation power density) is possible up to a saturation value from increasing the source energy (increasing discharge voltage for spark sources or cumulating detonation products for explosive sources) and also leads to increasing the radiation duration and it is realized at small area. Increasing the radiation squire requires also increasing the source energy (for example, increasing the discharge gap or lamp sizes or using more quantity of HE to extend the region of the HE products expansion). The use of reflectors increases the luminous intensity within limited angle - this restriction is explained with reflector size as growing its diameter leads to unacceptable design for a serious of applications. There is considered, realized and used in tests the new scheme for solving the problem. The radiant power density increases due to using heavy inert gas shocked over large square with a distributor and a thin HE layer. The temperature of the compressed gas ahead the shock front is considerably more than the brightness temperature in spark sources, and the radiator rapidly takes the optical thickness equal to three, i.e. considered as a black body. Small thickness of working gas satisfies the required short duration. The plane shock wave passes through a thin transparent film with the mass equal to the mass of working gas that is followed with short radiation peak in reflection wave and then rapid film evaporation and mixing of «cold» film components with hot shocked gas. As a result a short cutting off takes place and we have a short power pulsed light source radiating in 2π area. Such once-through emitter is effective at explosive experiments and aero ballistic tests on rocket sled tracks.
Pages: 829-835

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