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Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Detection of induction currents in the flat condenser
flat condenser
condenser facings
condenser charge
condenser category
variable magnetic field
vortical currents
rings of Gelmgoltsa
pendulum of Valtenhofena
V.V. Frisk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, the Senior Lecturer of Chair of the Theory of Electric Chains, Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics (MTUCI). E-mail: frisk@mail.ru
In given article rather simple theoretical substantiation (an induction method) existence of the closed induction (vortical) currents in facings of the flat condenser is resulted.
Work of the flat condenser by means of the given induction method is explained.
It is shown that it is possible to explain a charge of the flat condenser and its category by means of induction currents.
The resulted experiments confirm course of induction currents in facings of the flat condenser, including with a method of Valtenhofen.
On the basis of the given induction method the unusual condenser in which instead of dielectric electric steel or ferrite is used is offered.
Experimental results of research of such flat condenser are resulted.
The assumption is come out that if in facings of the flat condenser the closed induction currents it is possible to replace these facings with the closed aluminium rings flow.
Results of experiment where condenser planes are replaced by the closed rings are resulted.
Pages: 753-756
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