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Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Shaping the market as a factor nanoindustry innovation of the Russian economy
V.N. Kirillov - Ph. D. (Econ.), Associate Profess, State University of Management (Moscow). E-mail: kirillov44@yandex.ru
According to the forecast of Economic Development of Russia, especially the world of technological development in the next 15 years will be the development of technologies that provide technological breakthroughs for the development of new types of materials, products, having previously unattainable opportunities. It is expected the emergence of a qualitatively new effects in their areas of application - health and education, government, households. The major convergent technologies are nano-and biotechnology (at the intersection of technology and the production of nanomaterials in the future, nanodevices and biological objects). The new wave of technology-based nano-and biotechnology and the dynamic growth of the world market of high-tech goods and services to Russia opens new opportunities for technological breakthroughs and create new challenges. In order to expand its global market share of high technology, Russian exports of these products should grow by 15-20 % per year and get off at the turn of 2020 to the level of not less than U.S. $ 80-100 billion (about 1 % of the world market) .There remains the question of forming relevant at all levels (state and municipal, university and research center, business and corporation), a database of results of intellectual activities which may be the basis for making educated management decisions, projects and innovative development programs.The purpose of the state system of scientific and technical information was to ensure the formation and effective use of public resources, scientific and technical information, and their integration into the global information environment and the promotion of market information products and services.
Pages: 747-752

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