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Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Radio system to support manned mission to the far side of the Moon
S.A. Ezhov - Dr. Sc(Eng), Professor, Chief Deputy General Director-General Designer of the JSC «Russian Space Systems», (Moscow)
G.G. Stupak - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Deputy General Director-Chief General Designer of the JSC «Russian Space Systems» (Moscow)
A.V. Kruglov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Designer of the Branch in the JSC «Russian Space Systems» (Moscow)
V.M. Vatutin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Chief of Department in the JSC «Russian Space Systems» (Moscow)
E.P. Molotov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading research Scientist in the JSC «Russian Space Systems» (Moscow)
The structural features of a radio communication system intended to support the manned flight to the far side of the Moon are considered in the paper. The system of radio communication between the Earth and objects of the manned Lunar expedition is distinguished by that in periods when these objects are invisible for means of the ground control facility the communication is accomplished through the system of transponders installed in libration points of the Moon-Earth system. During the trip to the Moon and the return flight to the Earth the long-distance Lunar spacecraft with crew on board shall be controlled with the help of means of the ground control facility. The article describes the radio channels for communication between the objects of Lunar mission and flight crew, presents recommendations concerning the use of frequency bands in those channels as well as makes proposals touching the composition of means included into the ground control facility. For the purpose to control the signal transponders it is suggested to use the same radio channels which will serve for linking with objects of Lunar mission out of sight of the Earth.
Pages: 735-738

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