350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Chaotic realization of semiconductor laser oscillations during misrowave modulation
M.V. Orda-Zhigulina, Yu.I. Alekseev
It is investigating the different modes of semiconductor laser injection diode under ultra high frequency modulation. The laser could be described as non-linear oscillation system. Chaotic modes of semiconductor laser injection diode is discussed, the numerical calculation of the process has been given by help of the chaotic theory. It is shown the semiconductor laser diode could be described by non-liner differential equation with external force. The analysis could be accuracy if the semiconductor injection laser diode is described by Duffing equation. The numeric calculation of non-liner semiconductor injection laser diode equation with external force was analyzed when chaotic modes become possible. The main result is the behavior of semiconductor laser injection diode under ultra high frequency modulation is very sensitive to the changing of the physical parameters of the laser diode. When the amplitude and frequency of external force is changing it is possible to achive different modes of semiconductor laser injection diode. These are stability modulation mode, multy-frequency mode and chaotic mode.
Pages: 41-43
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