350 rub

Journal Nonlinear World №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Video information concealment by not cryptographic methods by potokovy transfer
potokovy video
data presentation by images remains
restoration and processing of digital signals
the statistical tests
distorted by hindrances
A.N. Rudnev, A.S. Vaskovskiy
Article is devoted to a problem of increase of security of potokovy video from unauthorized access and hindrances by the structural and algorithmic methods using nonconventional submission of transferred data in the images remains. The basis of an offered technical solution is made by a new method of correction of the transferred data presented in two and more images remains, allowing to eliminate separate shortcomings which appear at simple association of values of images remains in the new transformed word measurement.
The technique and algorithm of formation of the specified structural and code designs united in a uniform transformed word measurement are presented.
It is shown that application of repeated transformation of video sequences on a method of images of the remains allows to use it for the hidden transfer of potokovy video without use of cryptographic methods. Repeated application of transformation allows to improve correlation and spectral properties of video sequences at the expense of destruction of correlation communications initial video of sequence and promotes acquisition of properties of pseudo-casual sequence.
Initial information becomes almost pseudo-casual already at double transformation. Transformation of video sequences on a method of images of the remains.
Pages: 533-542
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