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Journal Nonlinear World №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Contemporary detector fibre optics receiver
A.S. Sigov, U.D. Belik, V.I. Nefedov, B.S. Lobanov, V.K. Bitukov, V.V. Menshikov
In modern sonar systems use four main types of treatment: F-zovye fiber-optic hydrophones in the Mach-Zehnder interferometers, fiber-optic hydrophones in the Fabry-Perot interferometer, the amplitude of fiber-optic hydrophones (sensors intensity), hydrophones, based on pressure sensors (in article, they are not considered). It is noted that the main drawbacks of analog FOG, including hydrophones with built-in amplifier, are a small dynamic range, the influence of external noise and crosstalk from one channel to another when the analog signal from FOG to the processing and recording devices and the need for multi-core, screened cable governmental to transmit the signal from an antenna array consisting of several dozen hydro-phones. Revealed that significantly improve the possibility of acoustic weapons can be, but through the widespread introduction of intelligent data processing algorithms, the use of new technologies in the field of computer technology, improving the structure detection, improving the energy performance interface «man - machine» and improve the quality of the operators. The basic operation of digital signal processing in sonar systems is the fast Fourier transform.
Pages: 414-425
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