350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Planets of the planetary system, as bodies of macrocosm charged of the same name
E.V. Gusarova
The work is devoted to the explanation of the presence of geostationary orbits of the planets of the solar system. Questioned condition geostationary orbits of the planets of the solar system, according to the classical theory. Is an example of the interaction of the planets in the system of the Earth - Moon, as not a stable equilibrium in the case of the application of the classical theory. Is the new version of the stabilization of the geostationary orbit. Introduced the term автостабилизации geostationary orbits. The new version explains that автостабилизация is because of the equality of forces of gravitation and Coulomb repulsion. Is considered the path of the Earth around the Sun and of the Moon around the Earth. Are mathematical formulas that explain auto-stabilization of the planets of the Solar system. Questioned by physical laws of working outside the area of the Earth. In conclusion, conclusions and a list of used literature
Pages: 186-189
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