350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Method of equivalent linearization and algorithm of generation of discrete time self-oscillations
V.V. Zaitsev, A.V. Karlov (jr), Ar.V. Karlov
Analog radio technology in information processing often uses inertial signal transformation by nonlinear systems. The basis of the theoretical analysis of such transformations is the theory of nonlinear oscillations. Otherwise, theory and practice of digital signal processing operates with linear systems operating in discrete time. Methods for the synthesis of non-linear discrete time systems, allowing to reproduce characteristics of analog system-prototype in discrete time, are very interesting. In this paper, the principle of impulse invariance is used in conjunction with the procedure of equivalent linearization. Under this method, we obtain an algorithm of generation of discrete time oscillations, which represents a difference equation of motion of nonlinear recursive systems. The process of establishment of oscillations in the discrete time oscillator is studied. Short equations are obtained, which imply that discrete time oscillator is isochronous self-oscillatory system. It is shown that the synthesized oscillator has a mode of regular and chaotic oscillations. The proposed method of synthesis of discrete nonlinear systems on analog prototypes is suitable for creation of discrete time oscillators (algorithms generate discrete signals) with the properties of nonlinear resonators and self-oscillators in continuous time
Pages: 169-173
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