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Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Experimental and calculated method for studying the physical and mechanical characteristics of multilayer polimer coatings
powder paints
physical and mechanical properties
modulus of elasticity
Poisson-s ratio
testing methods
S.V. Mamonov, M.I. Martirosov, L.N. Rabinsky
Experimental and calculated method for studying the physical and mechanical properties of multilayer polymer coatings is experimentally studied in the work. The determination of modulus of elasticity and Poisson-s ratio of polymer coating is considered. The rule of mixtures is used in theoretical model for studying of modulus of elasticity of polymer coating. Mathematical model and experimental results are used for determination of Poisson-s ratio of polymer coating.
Experiments were conducted on universal testing machine ZWICK Z100 (Germany) in Moscow State University. The samples consist of steel substrate (sheet rolled steel 08 ПС) and polymer coating on both sides of substrate. The width of samples is 12 mm, the length is 120 mm, and the thickness is 0,8 mm, 1,0 mm and 1,5 mm. Experiments were performed on the tensile and bend. The similar meanings of modulus of elasticity of polymer coating were obtained using the theoretical model and experimental results of tensile and bend
Pages: 156-162
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