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Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Creation of regular domain structures by acoustic wave interference on surface of ferroelectrics
V.V. Krutov
Ferroelectric regular domain structures use for creation of shortwave lasers, based on using second-harmonic generation of laser radiation. Unorthodox technology for formation of regular domain structures, using UHF elastic wave interference. was developed. The thermal-interference principle has been used. It has been shown, that - side-by-side - regular domain structures under combine action of acoustic waves and a uniform electric field (coercive), may be formed. The analysis is based on the consideration of the field reorientation of ferroelectric domains in presence of temperature grid, induced by acoustic waves. The conditions for creation of regular domain structures by acoustic wave interference were proposed. Two sets for formation of regular domain structures, using UHF elastic waves and liquid electrodes, was proposed. UHF radio pulse submits on input of longitudinal wave transducers. Interference picture forms a temperature grid and a domain pattern. Domains are inverted in heat regions of ferroelectric crystal. Then potential difference UC submits to surfaces of ferroelectric crystals. An algorithm for calculation to get a power of acoustic pulse, its duration and frequency, significances of parameters of main elements of technology setup was elaborated. Recommendations to choose a power of acoustic pulse, its duration and frequency were given. Thus, new method for formation of regular structures in ferroelectrics with equidistant domain walls was developed. This technology for formation of regular domain structures, using UHF elastic wave interference and liquid electrodes, does not require a using of photolithography, which usually use for set structured film electrodes. It has been shown, that this technology is the most efficient for creation of regular domain structures based on high-coercive ferroelectrics, for example, pure congruent-composition LiNbO3
Pages: 137-147
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