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Journal Nonlinear World №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Method for analysis of phase dynamics of wavelet spectrograms ridges for EEG signals
A.D.Mansfeld, Yu.V. Obukhov, A.A.Morozov
Phase synchronization of EEG signals from different cortex areas is one the most important characteristics indicating the fact of interaction between them. Changings in EEG signals phase dynamics can be a brain dysfunctions characteristic. To find a time dependence of signals spectral components the Morlet wavelet was used. Phase was calculated at the points of the wavelet spectrograms ridges. Using the values of phase at the ridges points the difference between every pair of channels can be calculated. For that the recordings must be divided into some number (depending of their length) of time segments where median of phases differences could be figured out. If its value is less than the previously established threshold we denote that the cortex areas are working synchronously
Pages: 129-131
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