350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Automated probabilistic analysis microwave chips
A.G. Gudkov, P.S. Zenin, S.A. Meshkov, V.V. Popov
The problem of technological optimization of design parameters and technological processes of microwave chips production are considered. The proposition is accepted like an initial concept of researches, that the design purpose is а device production which possesses set operational (including electric) parameters and can be made with the minimum expenses under given conditions. The minimum of technological prime cost is chosen like an optimality criterion. The algorithms, allowing to carry out the statistical analysis of electric parameters of designed devices, including calculation of conditional probability devices yield are described. Procedure of statistical modeling SHF parameters of chips is considered, rules and algorithms of the subsystem interface which is carrying out a casual variation of design parameters, with a subsystem of the determined analysis of electric characteristics are developed. Modeling rules are illustrated by examples of microstrip transmission lines. Modeling principles and algorithms of errors can be extended to other types of microwave transmission lines.
Pages: 885-894
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