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Journal Nonlinear World №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Pollutant dispersion in the street canyons located on the hillside
M.V. Volik, I.S. Mozharovsky
Flow of air in the surface layer of the atmosphere is always turbulent. At the moment, a large number of different models for the calculation of turbulent flows. Fairly widespread and modeling of large eddies. All of these models are different complexity and accuracy of solutions describing the flow.
We performed computing experiments for two parallel street canyons of different width located on the hillside. The width of sidewalks was taken as equal. Wind blows from the top of the hill.
It is shown that basic and secondary vortices are formed in the street canyons. Vortices in the street canyons located upstream are of higher intensity which influences the pollutants concentration field.
Pages: 879-882
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