350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Description of Brownian motion in locally nonequilibrium medium
A.N Morozov, A.V. Skripkin
In work the Brownian motion description for which in the Langevin equation is taken into account a presence of a local nonequilibrium of medium is investigated. The given fact leads to that corresponding thermodynamic impulses and streams are related not by a simple linear parity for each moment of time, and integrated some transform. Cases of simple relation at which constant time shift between an impulse and a stream takes place, and also the more general cases entering functions distribution of time shift are considered. Statistical characteristics of such Brownian motion, including spectral density of fluctuations of an impulse of the Brownian particle are found, and also comparison of the received results with a classical case is spent
Pages: 25-30
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