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Journal Nonlinear World №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Recognition of Opposite Electrical System States of Operation
Yu.Ya. Lyametz, G.S. Nudelman, Yu.V. Romanov, М.V. Martynov, P.I. Voronov
In the article problems which relay protection and automatics of power supply systems at a current stage of its development faces are discussed. Active-adaptive (intellectual) network development leads to that at the disposal of relay protection there is a wide information base from various meters and detectors. Besides, conversion to microprocessor element base has actually removed the restrictions imposed on complicacy of algorithms of relay protection operation. In the present state of affairs the increasing urgency is got by a principle question - how to the best advantage to dispose of available resources and information base for achievement of the maximum sensitivity of algorithm to an emergency on the object under protection. The article theme is development of methods of training of the multidimensional relay protection capable as much as possible full to realize possibility of available information base and to come nearer to recognition ability of a situation - to a physical limit of recognition ability of the object observer where this situation has happened. In the article training methods thanks to which application assigned task is solvable are stated. These are the methods leading to sequential and parallel algorithms of training, and also the method of electrical system complex fault recognition. In sequential algorithm the recognition units forming family, are trained one after another: everyone the subsequent is trained only by those states which couldn't recognize the previous. Thanks to conditional depiction of alternative states to planes of two-dimensional units in a method of parallel training there is a possibility to recognize more monitored states, than at sequential training. In a method of electrical system complex fault recognition splitting of opposing groups of states into elementary oppositions allows to allocate most stubborn of them and to optimize recognition structure of relay protection as a whole. Authors result an example of a problem of fault phase selection - recognition of ground short circuit of phase A, illustrating the theoretical positions resulted in the article. Thanks to application of all three methods the maximum recognition ability of current fault phase selector is reached. The offered approach to training of relay protection allows to «atomize» its problems without detriment to a generality of the developed approach.
Pages: 600-606
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