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Journal Nonlinear World №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Observational fractal properties of quasars distribution according to Sloan Digital Sky Survey data
A.A. Agapov, I.K. Rozgacheva
The analysis of available at present galaxy distribution data shows that the distribution is characterized by a number of fractal properties. They are: 1) for every galaxy in a clamp a number of neighbour galaxies in a volume with radius has power-law dependence on , and the exponent called "correlation dimension" equals . This power-law dependence is related to the property of geometrical self-similarity of clumps; 2) the mean galaxy number density computed for different catalogues depends on volume of sample; 3) observational two-point correlation function of galaxies is characterized by a power-law function on distances from to . In this paper analysis of quasars distribution according to the Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey containing more than 100 thousand quasars and ranging to redshift is carried out. The analysis shows that the quasars distribution is too characterized by fractal properties: 1) a number of quasars in a volume with radius centered in a observer has power-law dependence on , correlation dimension equals approximately; 2) on the celestial sphere for every quasar in a concentration region number of neighbour quasars with angular distances less than has power-law dependence on , correlation dimension equals on the average.
Pages: 384-390
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