350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The laser opto-electronic oscillator with ultra lower level of the spectral density power of phase noise
A. A. Bortsov
Article is devoted the decision to an actual problem of radio physics - to creation of the low noise oscillator of the microwave oven of a range with limiting characteristics of spectral density of capacity of phase noise at offset 1-10 кHz
In article theoretical and experimental studying of the low noise laser oscillator (OEO) with not dispersive and dispersive fiber-optical line of a delay as systems of two oscillators of optical and radio-frequency ranges is spent. The main features the OEO are considered: suppression of phase noise in system fiber optic delay line , influence on phase noise of width of a spectral line of radiation of the laser of a rating, optical capacity of the laser and delay size in fiber optic delay line . Influence of dispersion fiber optic delay line on a spectrum of a radio-frequency signal the OEO is analysed. It is shown that the OEO is the radio-frequency oscillator with ultralow level of spectral density of phase noise (level - 140D bc/Hz on frequency of generation 10 GHz at offset 1 кHz).
Pages: 359-368
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