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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Medical X-Ray Images Processing Using Fractal Approaches
V.A. German, A.A. Potapov
It is known that, Х-ray and photofluorography pictures are very important for rapid diagnostic of such а disease as the multiple fractures and the initial stages of malignant tumor. One of known methods is the Х-ray mammography which allows diagnosing at the first stage of the disease. Currently, mammography is the most important method of diagnostic of mammary gland diseases. To separate the suspicious areas on the roentgenograms using the fractal approaches, which we designed, the series of images with calcification accumulation has been selected. The results of the conducted fractal processing show the reliable quality increase for processed medical images. The methods used are verified over different medical real images. It should be noted that the algorithms used have got the modest calculating requirements and the high stability
Pages: 275-279
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