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Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features and effects of weak and extremely weak elektromagnitnyh fields on individual biological time of living systems
A.B. Burlakov, E.V. Yurkievitch, G.V. Devitsina
In order to study wave interactions of living systems, bio-fields of different nature, their properties, the variability of the propagation, as well as the nature of the impact of physical environmental factors on living organimy examined the determinants of the In accordance with the factors that determine the ontogenesis of a living organism. Particular attention is paid to the sensitivity analysis of biological objects to electromagnetic radiation. In this regard, organisms are considered as self-regulating system of organs and tissues that can acquire the spatial, temporal and functional organization with regard to differences in physical, chemical and physiological properties with no specific influence from the outside. A model of ontogenesis of a living organism, as a highly organized information system that includes the vectors of the parametric characteristics of the organism, determine the internal features of the ontogeny of the biological object coordinate the characteristics that define the terms of ontogeny, and other external factors that help or hinder the object to perceive information, the information characteristics determined by the number and value of information transmitted between its subject and the external environment, as well as between its functional elements. Formulated law relation between the features that define the vectors mentioned: "If the model of ontogeny of an organism is considered as a functional, defined by the parametric features, the informational signs are internal constraints, and coordinate features - external constraints. In this case the passage of disturbances in the parametric attributes for the level of action leads to changes in bandwidth data communication, which can cause a change in its operation until destruction. " To analyze the peculiarities of ontogenesis introduced a new feature: biological time of the organism. It is shown that the most effective influence on the change in the rate of ontogeny occurs at small (and micro) influences. Revealed that at the initial stage of information impact on the biological effects of electromagnetic field of an object is a catalyst for the perception of messages coming from the external environment. With the proposed model revealed the nature of the biological time as a result of physical impacts of varying intensity on the object under study. Conditions are formulated protection of biological objects from the effects of electromagnetic fields. The possibilities of ensuring the sustainability of the organism to perceive information at the carrier wave, defined by its bandwidth communication channels. Evaluation of bandwidth communication channels, as the product of the amount of information received in unit time, multiplied by its value, showed that the decrease in bandwidth enhances the de-synchronization processes in cells. Such a decrease in the physiologically acceptable limits leads to a slowing of biological time. Increasing bandwidth increases synchronization processes in cells, which leads to increased intensity of ontogeny, ie, the acceleration of biological time. Going beyond the capacity to regulate the rate of flow of biological time facing the loss of coordination in the elements of an organism that leads to his death. With estimates of latitude isostructural spectrum of the informational transactions from the external environment, it-s calculated minimum and a maximum speed of communication, perceived biological object. As a criterion of minimum speed of decision-zero response to the influence of his environment, as well as a criterion for the maximum - the appearance of oscillations in reaction to the perceived information. Revealed the power flow transmitted information, which comes with chaos in its perception, and possibly degeneration of cells of a biological object, leading to its destruction (destruction of the biological system). It is shown that in the case of extremely weak intensity of the impacts of growth abnormalities in the reactions reduces the stability of the system. Empirically found to more effectively influence of ultra-weak effects compared with the weak. Our experiments show the ability to manage individual and population biological time with the organization of protection from even short-term effects and ultra-weak electromagnetic radiation.
Pages: 232-242
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