350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Small size controller for formation and receiving acoustic signal to PC
A.V. Elbakidze, I.V. Smolyaninov, T.S. Borodin, D.A. Elbakidze, E.Y. Denisov
The controller described in this report is intended for formation of the time diagram of a probing signal of the difficult form including voice-frequency and with linearly-frequency modulation, and also numbering of the reflected signal. The controller is used in equipment of a hydrolocator of the lateral review and profilograph. The target signal of the controller moves on the power amplifier and radiating antenna, and from the reception antenna, through an analogue path moves on ADC of the controller.
Pages: 124-126
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