350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Applying of object model interaction of basis ecological factors for dynamic mathematic modeling of crop-s growing up
N.I. Vafin, R.T. Sirazetdinov
The average strip of Russia for the most part belongs to the zone of risky agriculture. This is connected with a sufficiently cold climate, short summers and erratic weather. Therefore the use of mathematical methods to predict crop growth under various embodiments of the weather conditions is actual. Plant is a complex system in which there are many different processes. Currently, most of these processes are in depth study by biologists and described at different levels: from molecular and cellular level to the overall assessment of crop yields. In addition, there are a large number of papers devoted to mathematical modeling of processes of plant development. In this regard, rather general mathematical models of plant development were obtained by authors such as Poluektov R.A, Riznichenko G.Yu, Ross Yu.K., J. Thornley [7 - 10] and many others. However, the most part of mathematical models describe the individual partial processes taking place in the plant on different levels, but there is not a general model which gathers these disparate mathematical models together. At present, the approaches to structural modeling of complex systems that are used in designing computer programs related to the management of complex technical and production facilities are developing quite rapidly. These approaches include the so-called OMT-technologies, SADT-technologies a universal modeling language UML and a number of other [5]. The basic idea of the approach of structural modeling is stepwise development of the system, starting with a verbal description of the subject area, followed by the modeling of the subject area in the form of various charts, graphs representing the semantics of a special form, and then there is domain analysis and the synthesis system. In this article we propose to apply this approach to the construction of a generalized system of mathematical models of plant development. Based on the famous verbal descriptions (verbal models) of the processes of plant growth, a generalized structural model of the plant, which is called the object model is developed. This model describes the interaction of the processes taking place in plants under the influence of key environmental factors. In the future this object model may develop, supplement, detail. At the same time on the basis of this model mathematical models of plant development at different stages of growth, with different levels of detail and complexity of mathematical description, including both static and dynamic models, can be constructed
Pages: 706-715
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