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Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
New deformation model of spiralled structures wire systems
A.N. Danilin, E.L. Kuznetsova, L.N. Rabinskiy, S.S. Tarasov
This work is devoted to modeling the deformation of wire constructions regular structure, consisting of layers flexible helices, wound on each other at certain angles relative to the core. Such constructions are often used for conductors of overhead power lines and spiral clamps, used for tension, protect, repair and connection of wires, cables information and telecommunication facilities and other. In engineering practice, the wire structure, such as the overhead power lines are treated as homogeneous in structure to the rods or filaments with average stiffness parameters without regard to their internal structure. Use the principle of summation(toting) of stiffness of each of the wire, as well as various empirical relations. However, such approaches do not describe the known effects of the deformation of wires, and their use in calculations can lead to unacceptable errors, for example, when studying the dependence of the flexural rigidity of the tension (the tension force of wire) or curvature. Now came the class of problems associated with designing and manufacturing clamps spiral type - a form of spiral reinforcement. Spiral clip represents one or more helix of finite length, each of which is formed from a separate spiral wires or strands. In the clip design is often used special friction coating. The design of the spiral clip very well with the wires, as it has the flexibility and after the installation is actually integrated with the wire in one unit. In terms of mechanics, the helix spiral clip, mounted on a wire, can be considered as an additional external (for wire) helix of finite length. When designing the clip the task of determining its load-carrying capacity, as well as finding the optimal values of design parameters such as length of time, direction and pitch (the angle of winding) spirals. If it is not their choice of work clamp can be ineffective or even cause damage to the core construction. To obtain correct solutions to problems of deformation of the spiral wire designs must take into account their internal structure, taking account of the interaction of wire layers. In this work, each annealed wire design is from a position of power as the equivalent of averaging the elastic properties of anisotropic cylindrical shell, and himself a wire or clip is considered as a system of nested cylindrical shells, between which allowed slippage based on the Coulomb-s friction law. This approach has created formulae for the flexibility and stiffness matrices of wire, solved some problems on the deformation of the spiral clips and wires with an analysis of their carrying capacity and estimates of allowable values of design parameters.
Pages: 635-645
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