350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №9 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Description of Luminescence Intensity Fluctuations as Non-Markovian Random Process
A.N. Morozov, A.V. Skripkin
In work find radiation laws of phosphors, subject to an external influence having character of white or shot noise. In the work prologue the general relation connecting intensity of a luminescence and intensity of an external influence, and having integral character is deduced. With use of the developed theory of the description of non-Markovian random processes defined by linear integral transforms, find one-dimensional and multidimensional characteristic functions of fluctuations of intensity for cases of white or shot noise of an external field. By means of the found characteristic functions statistical characteristics of random changes of a phosphor luminescence including a expectation value, a dispersion, a correlation function, a density of a probability and a spectral density, are defined.
Pages: 545-553
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