350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the Immunity of Broadband Signal Processing with Random Initial Phase in a Presence of Non-Gaussian Interferences
A.M. Alhamad, A.F. Nadeev, Sh.M. Chabdarov
Actual direction of perfection of radio interfaces of wireless systems is optimisation of algorithms of signals processing on the basis of the adequate probability models considering difficult character of allocation of the complex of interferences. Polygaussian models and methods of representation non-gaussian signals and interferences allows to provide models adequate and to provide solutions the task of synthesis of optimal signals processing algorithms. Thus the task of the analysis of probability characteristics of similar algorithms is difficult and now don-t solved. The purpose of the article is development of the method of the analysis of a noise stability polygaussian algorithm of signals detection with a casual initial phase against in a presence of non-gaussian interferences, presented by polygaussian probability model. The method of calculation of probability characteristics polygaussian algorithm of distinction of signals with a casual initial phase in a presence of non-Gaussian interferences is developed, allowing with accuracy comprehensible to practice to carry out an estimation of a potential noise stability of procedures of processing of signals in non-Gaussian channels.
Pages: 335-341
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