350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Models and Methods of Analysis and Optimal Synthesis of the Basic Elements of Mobile Distributed Integrated Information System
V.S. Moiseev, R.R. Shafigullin
Currently, the practice of various fields of information society has revealed the need for a rapidly deployable information systems at certain areas a significant number of hardware systems installed on mobile carriers. Preliminary analysis of the problem showed the absence of works devoted to theoretical questions of description, analysis and synthesis of info-communication infrastructure (ICI) of mobile distributed integrated information systems (MDIIS). A characteristic feature of systems of this type is a need for rapid deployment in certain areas a significant number of hardware systems that are installed on mobile carriers (jeeps, helicopters, etc.) and highly reliable performance of their duties. Preliminary analysis of the problem showed the absence of works devoted to theoretical questions of description, analysis and synthesis of large mobile distributed integrated information systems. The paper gives a mathematical model, and discusses some problems of analysis and optimal synthesis of the basic elements of MDIIS: optimal selection of types of PDAs, notebooks, servers and communications equipment, determining the optimal number of servers, determine the optimal number and location coordinates in a given field of communications, the analysis of the dynamics number of PDAs, notebooks, servers and communications equipment.
Pages: 316-320
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