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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Optical Spectrum Conversion in Dual-drive Mach-Zehnder Modulator and Dd-Mzm-Based Rof Filter
Mach-Zehnder modulator
spectrum conversion
amplitude-phase method of frequency conversion
microwave filter
D.L. Aybatov, O.G. Morozov, T.S. Sadeev
One of the ROF WDM-systems problems consists of all-optical filter production for RF-signal processing in optical domain. This is the subject of active investigation and interest because they bring unique advantages to the processing of millimeter and microwave signals, controllable pass band frequencies, electromagnetic immunity, lightweight, etc. Filter presented in this work is implemented by Mach-Zehnder modulator which utilizes Il-in-Morozov-s method of frequency transfer, this method provides two-frequency radiation with counterphase components conversion from single frequency coherent radiation. The device for conversion of single frequency signal into two-frequency signal, based on lithium niobate dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator was investigated. It has been shown that such device realizes Il-in-Morozov-s method. Symmetrical two-frequency MZM output signal was obtained, when applied modulation signals were equal but inversed ν1(t) = ν2(t). Operation points for modulation signals at MZM transfer function were chosen at positive and negative slopes. That also allowed to remove the phase modulation (chirp) of the output signal.
Pages: 302-309
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