350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The redistribution of substance under the influence of external fields and the stationary model of chelomey's pendulum
V. B. Fedoseev
External fields (acoustic, gravitational, elastic, etc.) induce redistribution of substance. The formation and the structure of stratified systems is considered. As the demonstration it is given the simple model describing a phenomenon of Chelomey's pendulum. By the method of chemical potentials it is described an equilibrium state of multicomponent polydisperse systems in conditions of superposition acoustic and gravitational fields. It is described the distributions of components of different density on conditions at which more dense, than the environment, components emerge, and less dense ones plunge. It is shown, that in systems with the components having different elastic properties there can be more complex multimodal hypsometric distributions of components.
Pages: 243-247
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