350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of Injection Laser Optical Beam Modulation Non-Linear Effects
laser differential whole equation
laser beam amplitude modulation process by microwave signals
self-heterodyne detecting mode
laser non-linear effects
chaotic mode
oscillation theory
Duffing's equation
Yu.I. Alekseev, M.V. Orda-Zhigulina, Le Thai Shon
Laser beam amplitude modulation process by microwave signals and the injection laser in the self-heterodyne detecting mode were investigated in the article. The laser differential non-linear equation of second order is equal to the well-known Duffing-s equation with additional external force.
The solving of the laser equation is the same Duffing-s equation solving. The result curves were represented on the parametric surface. As you can see the result curves are very close to the well-known curves for non-linear resonance curves, because injection laser under external microwave signals influence or external optical modulating signals influence is complex non-linear system.
So a theoretical investigation approach we represents in the article is very effective for theoretical investigations of laser beam amplitude modulation process and laser self-heterodyne detecting mode.
Pages: 779-781
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