350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Terahertz Low-Coherent Tomograph
V. I. Mandrosov, А.A. Pachomov, А. А. Potapov
Proposed schematic of terahertz low-coherent tomograph makes it possible to realize tomography of investigated stratified media with resolution, equal to 4l0, where l0 is the mean wavelength of the probing radiation, with a depth of few centimeters. The resolution of this type tomography is placed in interval~ 100 - 1000 microns. This resolution is few times better that resolution of often used famous tomographs in medicine practice, including magneto-resonance tomograph. Proposed schematic is based on using holography of focused images, holography on opposing beams, Michelson-s interferometer and spherical mirrors. This tomograph, possessing the high penetrating ability and the high resolution, can successfully to compete, for example, with magneto-resonance tomograph in those fields, where this tomograph widely applied.
Pages: 605-615
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