350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Experimental Research of Statistical Dynamics for Remote Control System of Experiments in Multi-User Mode
A.Yu. Kirsanov, A.Sh. Salahova
Existing tendencies of development of network information technologies have led to development of methods of the remote and distributed management. The opportunity and efficiency of qualitative management through a network is in real time determined by time of a delay of messages T, i.e. a delay in contour in remote control system (RCS) , caused by processes of service in network. The purpose of work is reception of experimental time characteristics of dynamics RCS in the multi-user mode, and also definition on the received experimental data of estimation RSU at various operating modes. For this purpose the experimental research for system of remote control has been lead. Experiment was spent in two stages. At the first stage the hypothesis about conformity of a created entrance stream of inquiries Puasson to the law has been checked up. At the second stage of experiment the stream of entrance inquiries was formed by the program software simulating work of the removed user. The given software has been established on the several computers located in a local network. By results of experimental researches surface of dependences of limiting parameters of system from quantity of users and numbers of serving devices are received. According to the received results the generalized bidimentional surface which further can be used at modelling system and a conclusion of settlement parities for an estimation of system parameters is constructed. Introduction of additional serving devices conducts to reduction of average time of stay of inquiries in system at great values . Thus the increase in quantity of laboratory installations conducts to nonlinear increase in boundary value of intensity (bandwidth of system SDU). For example, the increase in quantity of laboratory installations twice bandwidth of system increases in 1,5 times. Also, by results of experiment estimations of density of probability p (T) have been calculated at various values . The received generalized results of experimental researches of dynamics RSU, are a basis for construction of imitating model of this system and a conclusion of settlement parities for an estimation of its system parameters. The model constructed on received experimental data will allow to predict and analyze behaviour RSU under various conditions, excepting necessity of carrying out of real experiments
Pages: 405
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