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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
News in the Old Problem Conductors Design
I.N. Rusiaev, N.N Rusiaev
What is essentially news; it is a small distance in a circuit and a wide range of frequencies. These course the conductors coupling each other by means of waves. The wave topology differs from one at low frequencies. The new term "Wave Topology" put attention on what cause these. TEM mode is used extensively for EDA circuits. The majority printed wires designs perform as isolated one. The long parallel wires only take into account as they are coupled. While it closely arranged wires into box is a system unit. There are many kinds of waves which connect all wires of printed circuit. First of all, electromagnet and quantum radiations couple all wires as system unit. This is why Wave Topology is the new reality for the new generation of circuit designers. The new generations of circuit designers have to well know that copper wires connect the contact pads at zero frequency and closest frequency range only. The more frequency band the more waves exercise a significant influence. The waves define the wires impedances. Insulated wires may have low impedance as connected ones. On the contrary, the wired contact pads may be as disconnected by the wave influence. Under these circumstances, we believe, it is helpfully thinks the waves paths and waves fronts. This thinking way leads to understanding a frequency chart of a wires system. It gives the design tools to project circuits for the terahertz frequencies. But it dramatically changes the probability distributions. They may catch the heavy tails, cause the problem identification them with experimental data. We give a new method for the identification problem solving, while probability density has a heavy tails. This method extracts a core, which classified as stable distribution by the special diagram chart. It contain fore classes with different properties. It contains distributions as stable only. Method uses Fourier transforms of a characteristic functions
Pages: 380
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