350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Research of the Influence of Neural Network Topology on Simulation Accuracy of the Rotor Loads
A.M. Girfanov, S.A. Mikhailov
Numerous calculations necessary for determining the quantities of the governing parameters of safe rotorcraft landing must be made while studying marginal landing of the rotorcraft. The iterative process can take weeks. That is why searching for the algorithm to reduce costs of machine operation is actual.
The method of elastic propeller blades - loads simulation is presented in the paper. This method is based on applying of the artificial neural network (ANN), as it is one of the most effective ways of approximation of multiparametric dependences. The study of the influence of network topology on miscalculation in simulated parameters was conducted. In particular, the influence of quantity of training cycles and layers and number of neurons in each layer was evaluated. Alongside with it the comparison of traditional polynomial approximation and approximation based on the ANN was made. This comparison proves correctness of the chosen algorithm. The results show that only in case of eight-degree polynomial accuracy of the calculation approximates to quantities of the ANN.
Neural network simulating rotor loads was built on the basis of the research results. It is more than million times quicker to use network for calculation than use aeroelastic model of the rotor. Such a high speed of calculation gives an opportunity to apply the ANN model of the rotor not only to simulation of marginal landing of the rotorcraft but to the flight simulator, too
Pages: 369
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