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Journal Nonlinear World №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Information Clusters as Dissipative Systems
V.A. Raikhlin, D.O. Shagejev
The question on existence "fast" (i.e. with significant growth of system performance) attractors behind a side of scalability in database clusters is discussed. Interest to this question is caused observable in one of early works as the phenomenon "lost" with synchronous development of system. If the hypothesis "fast" attractors in due course will prove to be true, it will have serious consequences. The main task of clause is certain as development of the approach to change of cluster-s topology with the set number of units in dynamics of its work. The hypothesis which has laid down in a basis of "a new sight" at a problem of load balancing in parallel cluster DBMS is formulated. This hypothesis connects expediency dynamic cluster reconfiguration with change of operating query stream parameters as primary parameters of system and an architecture choice model. They define a degree of influence on cluster-s productivity all factors (external and internal) in aggregate. Character of this influence remains to unknown persons. Therefore the developed model is local, is fair only for the set query stream, the scheme of a DB, its volume and a used platform. The offered temporal-indistinct procedural model with use of the genetic search approach of the relevant knowledge base has shown the efficiency. It allows to predict the moments of reconfiguration. Rather low sensitivity of model distinction of architecture with close performance levels speaks a choice only three linguistic "granules". But it is not necessary to consider it its lack for at the specified distinctions reconfiguration is not obligatory
Pages: 323
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