350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical Modelling of Forecasting of the Industrial Traumatism
Muller N.V.
The purpose of research is the mathematical modelling of forecasting of an industrial traumatism. The technique, basing on the model of forecasting risk of an industrial traumatism by means of wavelet and fractal analysis, is presented in article. Wavelet analysis is applied to research of complex data and allows to define the various properties of a complex signal, which are invisible at usual representation in a mode of real time. According to the size of fractal dimension reflecting the quantity of accidents in the investigated interval, we can judge about the degree of randomness of this process. The developed mathematical model of forecasting of a traumatism is considered as an alternative method of research and forecasting of a traumatism, which will allow to supervise and reduce the actual level of accidents and to solve those problems, which the existing methods cannot solve. Research of risk of an industrial traumatism under various factors on developed techniques is made in article and we revealed the storage sites of risk. The example of approbation is resulted in article
Pages: 296
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