350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Optical Properties of Regular Nano-Composites
A.S. Shalin
An analytical approach for description of optical properties of ordered nanocomposites based on the integral equations method is presented. Effective parameters of the structure elements are investigated with taking into account polarizing interaction of particles with each other and with surroundings. The conditions of the model-s validity are defined. An interaction of the composite monolayer with substrate is investigated, the effect of a substrate http://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe-a=sa&t=3629654_2_1&sc=164clarification due to its covering with nanoparticles monolayer is observed for the first time. The condition of total antireflection is derived and studied. Three - dimensional regular nano-aggregates consisting of metal clusters are investigated, the effect of partial compensation of optical losses in particles (decreasing their effective extinction coefficient) due their interaction is observed for the first time. All the results are verified by the exact electrodynamical solution of Maxwell-s equations; good agreement is shown
Pages: 170
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