350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Angle-Time-Frequency Characteristics of Arrays of Beecone Vibrators Raised by Superbroadband Signals
instant and transitive angle-time-frequency characteristics
non-stationary electrodynamic model
beecone vibrators
O.E. Popova, S.N. Razin'kov
For the description of the integrated existential transformations of super-broadband signals at radiation the current, instant and transitive angle-time-frequency characteristics antennas systems are determined. The specified parameters are estimated in view of dynamics of formation of spectral density of non-stationary wave processes, therefore are more informative in comparison with traditionally used angle-time and angle-frequency characteristics of antennas.
On the basis of existential integrated equations Фредгольма of the first sort the electro-dynamic model is developed and the analysis of the directed properties of linear arrays beecone vibrators is carried out at submission on their entrances of video-, radio pulse and radio signals. Dependences of achievable dynamic parameters of an orientation of radiating structures on number, the electric sizes антенных elements, distances between them, and also a kind and parameters of stimulating signals are investigated.
Pages: 846-856
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