350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Results of Research of the Barrier Discharge Structure
V.V. Andreev, L.A. Vasil-eva, G.A. Kravchenko, Yu.P. Pichugin, V.G. Filippov
Ozonizers on the basis of a barrier discharge are the main industrial sources of ozone now. Further improvement of ozone generators is mainly directed on the increase of efficiency of ozone synthesis and on the increase of work resource. Successful implementation of this is impossible without all-round study of spatial-temporal structure of barrier discharge. Shapes and sizes of microdischarge channel are most important parameters that determine the density of the energy input to gas. In this paper experimentally on electric gas dynamical device the structure of the barrier discharge is investigated. Its new essential features are confirmed and revealed. The approached analytical equations allowing investigate the influence of various parametres on evolution of the barrier discharge are received. Also these equations allow estimate the time of barrier discharge existence. The obtained theoretical results qualitatively agree with the experimental data of various literary sources, including the experimental results presented in this paper. Also it should be noted that the developed equipment allows us to increase the amount of experimental data on the structure of barrier discharge. It further will inevitably affect the design and development of ozone generators. On the other hand artificially created conditions for the implementation of barrier discharge involve the use of experimental data only in the first approximation.
Pages: 811-819
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