350 rub

Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of the Fractal Dimension of the Crystal Structure Defects
thermodynamic analysis
the crystal structure defects
the ensemble of dislocation loops
the model of multifractal
V. B. Fedoseev
Concepts of fractal dimension and multifractal are used for thermodynamic description of crystal defective structure as an integral characteristic of multitude of casual continuously transient shapes and sizes of defects. Regularity of behaviour of the geometrical shape of defects is modeled in an example of ensemble of dislocation loops. The thermodynamic model of multifractal permits to value a dependence of the shape of defects on the size and the density of the different shape defects. The lobe of defects with simple shape is decreased with growth of the defects size. It is suggested the dependence of middle fractal dimensions on particle size
Pages: 782-786
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