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Journal Nonlinear World №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
On the Dynamics of Downdrafts Induced by Local Heavy Admixture Sources in the Atmosphere
L. Kh. Ingel
The downdrafts of the air induced by local heavy admixture sources are proposed to modification of several atmospheric processes (see, for example, Kachurin L.G. The Physic Foundations of Atmospheric Processes Modification, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1990; in Russian). Under stable stratification of the air, the downdrafts result in the positive temperature disturbances, which, in turn, augment the buoyancy of the subsiding volume and, thereby, impede the movements, which have generated them. Thus, there is a substantial problem on efficiency of the mentioned way for downdrafts stimulation - a calculation of the atmosphere response on such influences. The work studies (analytically and numerically) the dynamics of the descending turbulent jet from the stationary local heavy admixture source under various conditions of stratification, for example, at the presence in the atmosphere the so-called barrier layers with noticeably expressed stable stratification. A problem on stationary jet against a background of resting medium represents a particular interest, since it demonstrates the maximal abilities of local heavy admixture sources influences (in other cases - under transitory influences and in situations with substantial background wind - the dynamic disturbances usually are weaker). Here are resulted the examples of calculations which allow estimating the real opportunities of heavy admixture using for initiation of downdrafts in the atmosphere. The calculations show that even relatively weak barrier layers may result in sufficient retardation of the descending jets.
Pages: 757-762
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