E.S. Razdyakonov1
1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1 esrazdyakonov@gmail.com
When designing a quantum key distribution network, an important step is to optimize its topology in terms of cost and performance. However, with a large number of intermediate nodes and connections classical methods can be ineffective. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the possibility of solving this problem with the help of metaheuristic ant colony algorithms. To develop several variations of the ant algorithm to find the optimal topology of a quantum key distribution net-work linking a given set of finite nodes. Two algorithms were implemented, including classical ant algorithm and an elitist ant system. A number of experiments were performed on a randomly generated graph, demonstrating the performance of the methods for two or more finite nodes and comparing these results. Application of metaheuristic algorithms for analysis and optimization of quantum key distribution networks can significantly accelerate the process of their design in case of a large number of nodes and connections, slightly inferior in accuracy to classical optimization methods.
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