I.V. Statsеnko1, N.A. Andriyanov2, O.S. Shishkin3
1–3 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1,3 foreth35@gmail.com, 2 naandriyanov@fa.ru
When synthetic data is used in the training sample, models are trained much worse on the generation task. This phenomenon is called Model collapse. The solution of this problem will potentially provide models with much more data for training while maintaining high generation quality. This applies to both text and image models.
The main goal of this paper is to study the phenomenon of Model collapse in more detail. To review the existing methods of combating this phenomenon and to form directions for further research of our team.
The existing methods of combating Model collapse at the moment of writing the article are considered. The disadvantages of these methods are revealed. The directions for future research are outlined. Thus, the approaches to struggle with deep learning models collapse are systematized.
Since synthetic data are ubiquitous, it is important to know methods to improve model learning when encountering such data. For researchers in the field, possible topics for future work are identified. The results will be useful both to specialists who lack data for some narrow problem to be solved and to experts in the field of training large generative models.
Statsеnko I.V., Andriyanov N.A., Shishkin O.S. Current state of research on the collapse problem of deep learning models. Neurocomputers. 2024. V. 26. № 6. Р. 55-64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998554-202406-08 (In Russian)
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