A.K. Alzubaidi1, A.A. Petrov2
1,2 Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)
1 azhrstar90@gmail.com, 2 xeal91@yandex.ru
Diagnosis of socially significant diseases using modern intelligent neural network technologies of machine vision and classification is a promising opportunity to increase the quality of medical services while reducing cost and time costs. Of particular importance is the diagnosis of diseases such as tuberculosis. The paper provides a review analysis of existing machine learning models for classifying chest X-ray images. A transfer learning method based on the EfficientNetB0 model has been developed for the implementation of an X-ray image classifier in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. X-ray images from the publicly available X-Ray dataset are used as a test dataset. The constructed model is implemented as a Python program. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the implemented classifier with similar works is carried out. The aim of the work is to develop an intelligent classifier based on the EfficientNetB0 machine learning model for analyzing X-ray images in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Obtained results can be used in the tasks of automated diagnosis of medical diseases. The results of the work are aimed at the implementation of diagnostic modules within the integrated medical information system.
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