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Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Dual defect detection and generation system in planar surface
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998554-202403-06
UDC: 004.93’1+ 004.932

A.O. Burygin1, I.G. Panin2

1 CJSC "NORSI-TRANS" (Moscow, Russia)

2 Kostroma State University (Kostroma, Russia)

1 g.t.m.p@yandex.ru, 2 igpanin@list.ru


The main problem of applying neural networks in the task of defect detection is that there is a limitation in the size of the set of annotated defect images compared to the set of defect-free images. This imbalance in the dataset poses a challenge for the model to effectively learn and generalize patterns associated with defects. The scarcity of annotated defect samples hinders the model's ability to capture the diverse characteristics of anomalies, making it prone to misdetection and reduced performance on real-world data. To solve this problem, the authors have proposed a neural network architecture based on two neural networks U-Net++ and PatchCore trained in the student-teacher paradigm. In this paradigm, the student model undergoes initial training exclusively on defect-free images. Consequently, disparities emerge in the learned features between the student and teacher models, facilitating the computation of an anomaly metric and streamlining the anomaly localization process. The aim of the research is to improve the efficiency of defect detection by creating methods and algorithms, and dataset augmentation systems, as an option to solve the problem of defect-free images. The overarching goal of this research is to enhance the efficacy of defect detection through the development of methodologies, algorithms, and dataset augmentation systems. This serves as a strategic approach to address the inherent challenge posed by the scarcity of annotated defect images in comparison to their defect-free counterparts. By creating methods and augmenting datasets, we aim to mitigate the limitations imposed by the uneven distribution of defect and defect-free samples, ultimately advancing the robustness and performance of defect detection models. A dual system of defect detection based on the U-Net++ pre-trained network and feature estimation of individual fragments based on the PatchCore network is presented. The research incorporates computational experiments designed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison to existing counterparts. An in-depth efficiency analysis has been conducted, focusing on dataset enrichment using the generative-adversarial network ResStyleGAN. This examination aims to provide empirical evidence of the method's performance and its potential advantages over established approaches in the context of defect detection. The method developed, centered around the dual system PatchNet++ and preliminary generation of new defects using ResStyleGAN, is positioned for practical application in real production scenarios. Subsequent stages involve a detailed analysis to evaluate its performance and suitability in real-world settings.

Pages: 55-67
For citation

Burygin A.O., Panin I.G. Dual defect detection and generation system in planar surface. Neurocomputers. 2024. V. 26. № 3. Р. 55-67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998554-202403-06 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 10.04.2024
Approved after review: 06.05.2024
Accepted for publication: 26.05.2024