A.V. Chechkin1, M.V. Pirogov2
1 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
1 Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great (Balashikha, Russia)
2 S.A. Lavochkin NGO (Moscow, Russia)
1 A.Chechkin@mail.ru, 2 pmv_mvp@mail.ru
Our goal is to create a convenient and effective interface language for automated planning and management systems, a single developing system of software tools for building and developing digitalization tools for a complex problem area. The proposed RADICAL language is based on the developing mathematical standardization of an objectively ever-increasing problem area. The most important tool here is the library of recommended radicals. The result of its application is a set of interconnected radical models of the problem area. Collectively, these models constitute a controlled and evolving family of human-machine system languages. The article discusses the main tools of radical modeling and programming technology within the framework of the RADICAL interface language. Radical poles have been introduced, with the help of which an effective search for useful knowledge, controlled construction, modification and development of a complex system should be carried out. It seems that pole radicals should currently be the main point of application of specialists' efforts to create radical modeling and programming technology based on the RADICAL language. The most important pole is the pole of systems and subsystems. In comparison with the approach of the authors of the article, the SEMAT initiative was briefly considered, as well as the GPT-4 neural network. The presented approach to the problem area of complex systems is based on the technology of radical modeling and programming. It combines, on the basis of the RADICAL language, both the means of radical modeling and programming, and, generally speaking, any means that need to be applied to solve the target tasks of complex systems. The approach used is an automation approach. It should involve both natural and artificial intelligence (with human leadership). The functioning and development of radical modeling and programming technology should be carried out "on the go", in the process of solving target tasks and conducting research. The proposed approach is focused on working in a changing problem area and processing the consequences of its changes. We also note that the RADICAL language is applicable to the work of both small teams of specialists and large teams.
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