V.A. Kanarsky1
1 Far Eastern State University of Railway Transport (Khabarovsk, Russia)
1 jizzierose@yahoo.com
Problem setting: Railway infrastructure is a set of complex technical systems. The railway switches used at stations are mostly maintained in a planned manner, which does not guarantee the occurrence of faults between regular inspections. The existing railway automation monitoring systems are not capable of providing recommendations on impending breakdowns. They only record oscillograms of electrical parameters from the power supply circuits of the switches. These oscillograms can be an indicator of one or another pre-failure state.
Target: to develop a state classifier of a switch based on a recurrent neural network capable of determining the state of a switch in automatic mode by the active power graph.
Results: analyzed the technical possibilities of providing data from the power supply circuits of the switch actuator; considered the existing solutions for processing numerical sequences; selected the topology of recurrent neural network; we proposed the classifier architecture based on Elman networks and Gated Recurrent Unit; made a comparative analysis of learning curves of each architecture. In the process of training the classifier based on the controlled recurrent block, high classification accuracy is achieved.
Practical significance: the proposed method of automatic determination of the state of the switch can be used by companies-manufacturers of railway automation monitoring systems for processing analog telemetry measurements coming from the engine of the switch mechanism. The use of neural network classifier will allow interpreting active power graphs in terms of existing faults of the switch, thus providing support to maintenance electromechanics when making a decision on repair. In turn, this approach will prevent accidents, unplanned downtime and train delays at the station.
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