A.N. Alyunov1, K.D. Mosolova2
1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)
Problem setting. Forecasting electricity consumption is a complex and important process for industrial enterprises. The accuracy of the forecast for the near future allows not only to avoid additional energy costs, but also to optimize production processes. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use flexible solutions that provide accurate and interpretable results in a short time. Industrial enterprises (companies) consuming a significant amount of electric energy are required to submit applications every day with information on how much electricity is planned to be purchased for the next day. The deviation of the actual consumption of electricity in a smaller or larger direction leads to additional costs. Consequently, the development of algorithms for forecasting the volume of electric energy consumption is required, while the use of machine learning methods to solve the problem under consideration will improve the accuracy of forecasts based on existing solutions. Machine learning can identify and take into account patterns that are ignored both in manual calculations and when using statistical models.
Target. To develop an algorithm for predicting the consumption of electric energy volumes based on the selected mathematical model, which ensures an increase in the efficiency of an industrial enterprise.
Results. An algorithm for predicting electricity consumption by an industrial enterprise is proposed, which, based on information collected from commercial electricity metering systems, allowed achieving an accuracy of 91%. The "random forest" model can make it possible to optimize production processes, which is an advantage of the developed algorithm.
Practical significance. The research carried out during the development can serve as a starting point for further study of the problem in order to achieve even greater accuracy of forecasts, as well as the creation of software products for forecasting the volume of electricity consumption by industrial enterprises.
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